UK of Equestria

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UK of Equestria (nicknamed UKoE) is a forum, chat room, and meet organiser for the British brony community. It was founded by Alteran, KirstyF, Skittys and Sharpy on December 18, 2011.

Chatrooms[edit | edit source]

UK of Equestria has historically hosted several chatrooms, starting with a TeamSpeak server. This server was eventually replaced by a Discord equivalent.

The website also has an IRC channel on Canternet.

Game servers[edit | edit source]

UK of Equestria previously hosted dedicated game servers for Team Fortress 2 and Garry's Mod. Servers operated by community members on behalf of the website existed for Minecraft and Killing Floor.

UK of Equestria Ponycast[edit | edit source]

The UK of Equestria Ponycast was a podcast hosted by Denegoth and bobby.p. A total of 24 episodes were released between March and December, 2012.

External links[edit | edit source]