Super Lesbian Horse RPG

Super Lesbian Horse RPG (full name, Bobby Schroeder presents Super Lesbian Horse RPG: Preemptive Game of the Year Edition, BSpSLHRPG:PGotYE[1] or just SLHRPG for short) is a parody role-playing video game created by Bobby Schroeder (aka, Ponett) and released on December 25, 2013.[2] The game features original artwork by Shroeder, along with a soundtrack containing 26 original compositions produced for the game.[3] The game was built using RPG Maker and took eleven months to develop.[1]

Super Lesbian Horse RPG title screen.

In 2015, Shroeder began remaking the game using original characters as Super Lesbian Animal RPG. As of 2017, downloads of Super Lesbian Horse RPG are no longer available due to the game's use of copyrighted characters.[4]


SLHRPG features over-world traveling and battle system reminiscent of Japanese RPG titles EarthBound and Dragon Quest.[1][5] The game is set in the Equus Islands, a floating archipelago divided into the regions of Caballus—where the region's settlements are based and where the game begins—and Ferus—the wilderness.[1]

The game features Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as a romantic couple and duel protagonists, with Twilight Sparkle and Applejack joining the party as "third wheel" and "fourth wheel", respectively. Rarity (Applejack's partner) and Pinkie Pie (Twilight's partner) appear as non-playable characters who can be summoned in battle, but never join the party.[1] Spike travels with the party, playing the part of the game's bestiary, while the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Babs Seed operate item stores throughout the over world.

Some of the game's enemies were submitted via a design contest that encouraged "funny, weird, and/or cute" enemies,[5] with the final game having a mixture of original characters, parodies of characters from other shows and fandoms, and Danny DeVito[6] acting as antagonists.


Super Lesbian Horse RPG OST
Soundtrack album
Released December 28, 2013
Genre Electronic, chiptune
Length 1:06:17

The soundtrack for the game was released on December 28, 2013, three days after the game's release. It was composed by several musicians working under Schroeder's direction.[3]

Super Lesbian Horse RPG OST track listing
No. Title Artist Length
1. "FlutterDashing (Chip Remix)" ThetaWaves 0:40
2. "Fluttershy's Plan To Get Super Ripped (Fluttershy's Cottage Theme)" Cats Millionaire 2:30
3. "Equus Islands Theme" Allie Lyon 1:44
4. "Dew On Ponett" Thom Wall 3:50
5. "New Party Member" Thom Wall 0:06
6. "Twilight's Slurp Dungeon" PegaSix 4:00
7. "*SLURP*G Battle Fanfare" PegaSix 2:02
8. "Victory!" PegaSix 1:36
9. "*SLURP*G Battle Fanfare (Glitch Remix)" Decibelle 2:51
10. "Here Comes the Dark (Boss Theme)" Planetary Confinement 3:07
11. "Say That Again (Javis's Theme)" ThetaWaves 1:22
12. "Twilight's Slurp Dungeon (Cave Mix)" PegaSix 4:06
13. "Don't Be A Nark (Shop Theme)" Jordon Kubczak 3:21
14. "Pretty 'n' Pink (Pinkie's B&B&D Theme)" Raddons 3:36
15. "Hiding From The Sunset (Uncanny Valley Theme)" Lincoln Nielson 1:25
16. "Chiptune Racecar (Ferus Wasteland Theme)" ThetaWaves 2:15
17. "Neon Labyrinth Dungeon" ThetaWaves 3:07
18. "Pink Tent Is Feature Not Bug (Cutie Boom Theme)" Psycosis 5:40
19. "Dissected Program (Mt. Gay Theme)" Decibelle 3:13
20. "Smells Like Regret (Javis Battle Theme)" ThetaWaves 1:58
21. "Queen Verena's Theme" na Lawliet 1:46
22. "We Fight For Love (Verena Battle Theme)" Planetary Confinement 5:16
23. "Kiss and Throw Down (Hyper Verena Battle Theme)" Thom Wall 2:59
24. "Victory! (Boss Mix)" PegaSix 1:50
25. "FlutterDashing (Main Theme)" Flutterwhat 1:51
26. "Snoozy Time" Thom Wall 0:06

Critical receptionEdit

The game was praised by Equestria Gaming for its high quality pixel art and original soundtrack, but criticized the humor as being "stale" and the gameplay as being "a standard RPG Maker project".[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ponett. BSpSLHRPG:PGotYE FAQ (April 6, 2013). Last updated on March 11, 2014. Retrieved on October 7, 2020.
  2. Rudera, Lex. Super Lesbian Horse RPG is Released (December 25, 2013). Equestria Gaming. Retrieved on October 7, 2020.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Super Lesbian Horse RPG OST (December 28, 2013). Retrieved on October 7, 2020.
  4. Ponett. SLHRPG download page (December 29, 2013). Last updated on January 13, 2017. Retrieved on October 7, 2020.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Ponett. Super Lesbian Horse RPG enemy design contest (June 29, 2013). Retrieved on October 7, 2020.
  6. Danny DeVito on SLHRPG Wiki. Retrieved on October 7, 2020.
  7. Rudera, Lex. Review: Super Lesbian Horse RPG (December 26, 2013). Equestria Gaming. Retrieved on October 7, 2020.

External linksEdit