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Pegasister (noun, plural pegasisters) is a term used to refer to an adult, female fan of the animated show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.[1][2][3] It is a portmanteau of the words "pegasus" and "sister".

A pegasister cosplaying the character Rainbow Dash.

Some female fans reject the term pegasister on the basis of it being a gendered term created specifically to be the opposite of brony, with this distinction being a form of exclusion or discrimination.

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  1. Belisle, Christina. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic review” (September 30, 2011). p. 9 Reporter. Retrieved on October 4, 2020. “"Bronies" and "pegasisters," as some fans are called, point to the quality of animation and humor as what makes the series enjoyable.”
  2. Vauhni Vara and Ann Zimmerman. “Hey, Bro, That's My Little Pony! Guys' Interest Mounts in Girly TV Show” (November 5, 2011). The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved on October 4, 2020. “The group included four "Pegasisters," as the small minority of female bronies sometimes call themselves in this male-dominated world.”
  3. Tucker, Reed. “Horsing around!” (January 11, 2012). New York Post. Retrieved on October 4, 2020. “I’d say 80 percent of my friends are into it,” says the “pegasister,” slang for a female fan.”